

We offer a complementary creative experience in line with your schools curriculum for key stages. Why not choose this for activities week or book week or maybe part of a whole school project. Creative fun for everyone.

kids, school, emotions


We can come along for Mothers day, Fathers day, Easter, Valentines or Christmas so the little ones can capture their hand prints on beautiful keepsakes, perfect for gifts. We would ask the nursery to send out an order form beforehand.


A paint your own pottery event is the perfect activity for a club or group.

Each member can create a one of a kind keepsake to take home and treasure.

You could also tailor the experience to tie in with any topics or projects within your club. It will be a fun, creative and educational experience with a lovely gift to take away and keep forever.

Team Building

Looking for a fun, creative way to build your team then Panda Ceramics can offer something unique and quirky for your team building activity.

Maybe design a mug for each other or have a team competition to design the best Company Logo!